Monday 5 December 2011


We were planning doing our I-stop motion titles & credits

Trapped soundtrack : PRODUCTION DAY 4

"This session Me and Amy searched for the perfect scary sound clip to go along side our i stop motion intro and end credits. I searched through a lot of different websites and typed in a lot of different things but then found the what i thought was the perfect sound clip, I found this on Youtube. I then played the clip to the rest of group to see what they thought and they all agreed it was the one we were going to use. As they thought like me that it would suit nicely and give a very creepy to our i stop motion intro and end credits, And here it is so have a listen."
i missed this session, so i've used one of jakes posts from his blog

Trapped concept sheet

i was not here for this session, but my group designed and made a concept sheet of how our title and  credits would look like of our production, they talked about what font they used and why they used it. e.g used a bumpy font to made it look scary.

in the end we decided to do a different title screen using  I-Stop motion, which is now on my blog.
i think it looks better than our initial idea, and am glad we changed it. it also shows more skill than just finding and using a font on photoshop.

Trapped Storyboard.

This is our Trapped storyboard, i drew all of them up and i think they came out pretty well..there simple but you can clearly see what type of shot it is and what is happening in the shot. we had the a space to write under all the pictures to say what shot is was and what was happening in it.

this is session we started filming with dave filming and me and amy playing as the actors, jake took some pictures to show what we had been doing, we used the dolly on the film camera to follow the actors more smoothly..

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Trapped End Credits ( with I-Stop Motion )

in this session our group created these end credits with i stop motion, its quite a time consuming thing to do as we had to write each line of each letter, then take a picture..ect, but i think the end product is worth the time and the work.

Trapped Title Footage ( with I-Stop Motion )

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Trapped test footage

in this session we took out one of our classes new cameras (a HDVI video camera) we have to now fill in a rental form to be able to take anything out, so it feels more professional. we hat to get used to using the camera, especially me because i would be behind the camera at most times, its quite hard to get used to as its a high quality VC worth over £800 so its very complex..after we got used to using it we went out and made some test footage by this i mean just filming anything in my case i filmed two people walking down the corridor, from behind. and from the front.

Location shots of classroom

the idea of doing this was to get a better idea of where we were going to shoot our trapped sequence, and so we could imagine what the shots would look like from the directors and filmers view, we hat to know where the chairs and tables were situated as were using them as props in our film. 
after the pictures were taken another member of our group uploaded and edited them in photoshop.


This is an example of what i am going to do on one of our characters in our Trapped Production, its looks quite professional but its easy to do.

Thursday 17 November 2011

you have two minutes

This is my finished product 
of my bomb sequence, there's 
a few things that need tweaking
but otherwise i think its quite 
well edited and i like the music
i chose to put over the short 
film, i don't think alot of other
students put music over their whole 
sequence so it makes it more my unique.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

9 key frames

in this session we were asked to draw up our chosen 9 key frames on post-it notes of the trapped film

Monday 10 October 2011

Horror stills Session

we took ten shots in groups of four , one of us being the Filmer. the other three being in the shots, in our groups stills we had one victim (Amy Vince) and two werewolves (me and Jake Pena-Prime) who attack the victim..after we uploaded to photo shop we photoshoped them to make the warewolfs look like warwolfs and then imported it into final cut making a short movie of the ten shots and put famous music over them ( e.g jaws )
then edited them fading each shot in and out ect..

Sunday 9 October 2011

Rosie ball visit

even though i wasn't there for this session, i have been told about ex-student from norwich uni a university that i'm am planning to go to. came into our class and showed everyone a BAFTA nominated ipad game she had created, im really annoyed i missed this because im sure it was very inspiring!


this lesson we were able to go out and film. we were asked to film a conversation on the phone with two people in three locations, this session we only hat to film the conversation, in the next lessons we have to film the rest of the sequence (bomb being laid) then end up putting all of them together creating a short film! beforehand we given a sheet with directions of what to do, ( what shots we hat to use, e.g close-up, medium shot, long shot ect.. ) 

i enjoyed this session as it was more practical.

Horror conventions session

in this session we were introduced to the horror genre, we were asked to brainstorm all things to do with it, then Google images of some of those things.
then use photo-shop to layer all those pictures to create a collage of horror conventions
even though i didn't spent much time on mine, i'm fairly pleased with the outcome.

Monday 26 September 2011

new york title session


New york garage band soundtrack session

we made a soundtrack in garageband to put over our finished new york movie, i was happy with my finished video as the music went along with it.

New york finalcut editing session

in this session we were asking to make a movie from samples on the computer about new york, you can fade clips in and out and layer the clips like in photoshop.

Garage band demo

in this session we were asked to create a song that we can put over our film we made of new york

Garage band session

garage band allows you to pick samples from a selection of genres and mix them together to create a song, you can layer them and fade them in and out like in final cut, so it was easy to use.

Monday 19 September 2011

Photoshop skills session 1: Club flyer task

in this session we were asked to design and create a flyer for an imaginary club in photoshop, we  had to create a name, mine was called BIA (beats in abundance) and make up an entry price, and who was featuring at the club
overall i think that my final product looked quite good as it looked quite professional and complex :)

Sunday 18 September 2011

Photoshop Skills Session 1: Earth & Eye Exercise

This task was our first lesson using Photoshop.

using the two pictures of the Earth and the Eye found and downloaded from flickr, we opened them in Photoshop and then started layering them, i used the magnetic lasso to cut out the foreground (earth) from the background (space) after i moved the cut out picture of the earth an layered it on the picture of the eye, then resized it to fit the size of the eye, then finally made the earth transparent to be able to see the pupil.

Logo ident

in this lesson we were asked to make our logo animated and make it move in final cut, i found this quite hard, since final cut is a new programme to me.
instead of the logo actually moving all my layers just fade in, but im still fairly happy with it.

L2 Tom S's IDENT from cmdiploma on Vimeo.

Logo research session

We were asked to research two logos of our choice and then draw them up on paper, after we had to annotate the logos and find information about them.
-e.g when they were first made, how they attract people and where they originated form.. etc
First logo
I chose CAMEL cigarettes purely based on the fact that i smoke them, and it was simple but effective.
Second logo
For my second logo i chose PlayStation, i chose this logo because its very well known globally, an looked fun and easy to draw up!

Media production company logo planning session:

Firstly we started by thinking of ideas for our logo and drawing them up, once we were satisfied with what we had come up with we then opened Photoshop and attempted creating them on screen, for mine i found images off the internet and target grabbed them (cmd-shift-4) then used the magnetic lasso to crop them, and finally layered them until i was happy with the final product...